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Revitalise Your Relationships
At Work.
Achieve Your Goals.
Fall In Love With
Your Career

What I Do

What I Do

If you've ever said to yourself:

How do I lead more effectively?

How do I get a promotion?

How do I develop gravitas?

How do I stop feeling like an imposter?

Why does my team act this way?

Why is my boss difficult?

How do I become a better communicator?

How do I become more resilient?

How do I achieve more?

I love my job but...

Then I can help.

I'm not an ordinary executive coach. With a background in Defence and Pharmaceutical sales, I set up my own training business in 2004. I was then challenged to become a stand-up comic at the Edinburgh Comedy Festival all to win a £1 bet. This changed my life.


I became a corporate speaker and have presented to nearly 100,000 people across 17 countries about communication, resilience and achieving their goals.

Executives and leaders then began to ask me to coach them and their teams. So I went back to university and became a Coaching Psychologist before training at the world-famous Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust in systems psychodynamic coaching.

But that's enough about me. What about you?

If you're like any of the executives that I coach you're facing a multitude of challenges, decreasing resources, global teams, hybrid workforces and digital transformation at a time when there are five different generations in the workplace. You have to lead your teams and collaborate with a diverse range of (sometimes difficult) colleagues.

Managing all these relationships at work is hard.

Your career represents one of the most significant relationships in your life, and nurturing the relationships in your career is the most powerful way to succeed.

When most people talk about love they normally mean their family, friends or romantic relationships. However, the executives I coach normally fall into five categories

  1. They love their job but they struggle to influence, motivate and lead certain colleagues. Teamwork can be a real struggle as everyone jostles for power or ignores the team and focuses on their individual goals.

  2. They used to love their job but they are now beginning to feel burnt out, frustrated and maybe even rejected by their organisation. They're even considering leaving or starting up on their own.

  3. They love their job but they've hit a plateau in their career. They can't seem to change their colleagues' or managers' views of them, so they need to find a way to change those relationships.

  4. They love their job but they don't necessarily love themselves. They feel like an imposter.

  5. They love their job and they want to achieve more, but they realise they need to change their approach.


Does any of this resonate with you?

As I said, I'm not an ordinary executive coach, I believe we should love our work and love working with our colleagues. I help people like you and your team to create real psychological inner change that revitalises your relationship with work.

I do this using the best evidence-based psychological techniques on how to create real lasting change using the PRO coaching model.

The Pro Coaching Manual

The PRO Coaching Model

PRO stands for:

Person, Role and Organisation. These are the three key components that are driving your conscious and unconscious behaviours.

The PRO Model is structured to delve deeply into understanding the underlying factors influencing your behaviours and those of others in your organisation.



Your personality type, your first team (your family) and your past experiences drive your behaviour. Understanding this is the first step in achieving real personal growth and change.


You juggle a diversity of roles daily, from being a leader, a team member, a colleague, a partner, a parent, a sibling, a son, or a daughter. All these roles interact and affect your and your colleagues' behaviour at work.

At work, are you the peacemaker, the funny one, or the one who asks difficult questions? Has your group inadvertently forced you to behave in certain ways? Are you the one who is always providing the answer? Are your people afraid to act on their own initiative because you micro-manage and they fear your disapproval? Or is it you who fears the disapproval of others?


Is how you relate to others causing conflict or are you a pushover? By identifying the roles you play you will find new ways to communicate, develop better boundaries and gain profound insights to better understand yourself and your colleagues.



Organisational culture, leadership styles, decision-making processes, corporate history, internal politics, groupthink and even the 'mood' of your colleagues, industry, and potentially society, all impact how you and your colleagues behave. You'll learn how hidden organisational dynamics can sway your decisions and interactions and how to navigate these tricky waters to achieve your goals.

Coaching Clients Include

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